Introduction: Why peer reviews?

How we set salaries

So, that means it's everyone's job to assess everyone's skills. That's a good thing for equality & egalitarianism; and we as a team should be very proud of this responsibility. (Also, centralized skill assessments would not be very Crystal Lattice of us.)

Salary Transparency

Salary transparency is a fundamental principle at garden3d. Without it, it’s hard to see where bias or discrepancies exist. That’s why all skill levels are made publicly available in Stacks (Stacks>Team>Everybody).

Skill Levels and Salary Bands

Skill Tree

garden3d Skill Tree [2.0]

Looking for the original version of the skill tree?

Consistency? What’s that?

| 5. Exceptional | Employees in this category are considered “Role Models” and are widely recognized by their peers and leaders across the company for their performance.

Demonstrates extraordinary performance that far surpasses expectations as outlined in the areas of responsibility for this role and level. Successfully and regularly accomplishes work at a level much higher than would be expected in this role and/or contributes strategically to the company. Impact: Adds significant value to the company across key business metrics. Contributions to projects, products, policies, or operations lead to critical improvements, innovations, and/or efficiencies that drive our success.Complexity: Employee made an exceptional or unique contribution in support of team or company goals and/or achieved objectives despite significant setbacks or obstacles. Has demonstrated the ability to successfully take on significantly broader or more complex responsibilities. | | --- | --- | | 4. Exceeds Expectations | Employees in this category are considered “High Performers” and stand out relative to the majority of their peers.

Performance consistently exceeds expectations in all areas of responsibility. Impact: Outperformed the majority of others by consistently producing high quality and impactful results or solutions that may have been new and innovative.Complexity: Alternatively, employee made substantial progress toward goals and objectives by overcoming significant obstacles out of the scope of the employee’s control. May be ready to take on broader or more complex responsibilities. | | 3. Fully Meets Expectations | Employees in this category are considered “Effective Performers” and achieving this rating indicates success in role.

Met the expectations outlined for this role and level, at times exceeding some expectations. Or, employee made commendable progress towards goals and objectives despite obstacles out of the scope of employee’s control. Impact: Delivered what was expected in the role and level. Employee is consistently reliable and a solid performer.Complexity: Consistently operated, and was successful, within a predictable environment and/or within established guidelines. | | 2. Mostly Meets Expectations | Employees in this category are considered “Inconsistent Performers” and may need additional development to fully meet expectations.

Employee met most of the expectations and the goals for their role, but there are still a few key areas they need to work on, and / or limited progress has been made towards completing business goals and objectives within the scope of employee’s control. Employee has potential and demonstrates a willingness and the ability to improve.Impact: Does not fully deliver all of what was expected in the role and level. Complexity: Inconsistently or moderately successful within a well-defined environment and/or set of guidelines. This may be evidenced by a need for more than expected direction, assistance, intervention or other support to accomplish goals and meet expectations. | | 1. Still Learning | Employees in this category are considered “Still Learning” or extremely early to a category, and significant improvement or growth is required for this band to be applicable.

Employee is new to, does not meet, or did not make acceptable progress towards expectations in areas of responsibility. Most objectives were not met and limited to no progress was made towards sustained improvement.Impact: Does not (yet) deliver what is expected in the role and level.Complexity: Did not operate successfully within a well-defined environment and/or set of guidelines. This may have been evidenced by a need for considerable direction, assistance, intervention or other support to accomplish goals and meet expectations. |