General Description

After 3 years of looking for real estate, we have finally found our new home in the real world — the 3rd floor of a triangular building bisecting Canal and Walker Streets in Chinatown, NYC.

We’re currently collaborating with 31-31 to build out the 4,000 square-foot space into a shared studio, event space, classroom, and gathering place for the Index community.

We hope to open in April 2023.

Membership Tiers

Dedicated Desk Lingerer
Monthly rate (presale) $650 $300
Monthly rate $700 $350
Description Your own workspace in our shared studio, available only to you, each and every day. Work at communal areas of the space, or use available desks on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Both tiers include:

Short Manifesto

Index is a place to gather, create, exchange, listen, and celebrate.

Imagine, instead of having a desk assigned to you that you show up to at 9am and sit there smashing a keyboard until leaving, your day looked more like this:

You arrive and put your things in a wooden cabinet by the entrance, join your morning stand-up at a bar in the kitchen, sit at a communal table to write emails on your laptop, eat lunch with a few friends, plug into a monitor at a standing desk for some deep-focus time, take calls and do some stretching in a private corner, and finish your day meeting with your team in a semi-separated cluster of seating/surfaces. Afterwards, maybe you catch a guest speaker in the common area.

We are a community of designers, poets, technologists, aesthetes, joke tellers, readers, eaters, artists, commies, freaks, and friends. What unifies us is our belief that creativity isn’t diminished when shared — that generosity and care are integral to our creative practices. Together, let’s be part of a space that benefits the culture, not the corporate. A place to work on both the personal and the planetary. To make a livelihood and to enjoy living.

Only in conditions of hope can we shape hopeful futures. In the center of everything, Index is a new center in a decentralized world.